Sunday, February 23, 2020

Come up with a topic for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Come up with a topic for me - Essay Example For Japan to get involved in international politics on the same platform as Western powers, she had to extend her territory with Taiwan. The Sino-Japanese War won by Japan helped the country acquire Taiwan, which was initially under Japanese rule. China’s defeat in the hands of Japan compelled Qing Empire cede Taiwan to Japan (Ching 7). A group of Taiwanese refused to accept the takeover, and Japan spent six months fighting local guerilla armies. Japan lost many soldiers to diseases, not bullet wounds. The Japanese imperial powers recognized that tackling disease had to be a primary concern. In the initial two decades of the Japanese rule, significant progresses were made in public health (Jacobs 47). The Japanese rule built health centers and equipped them with facilities to help in fighting disease. The development of the health sector in Taiwan is attributed to Japanese rule that invested a lot of resources in the sector. Even though there were many political groups agitating for reforms and a parliament in Taiwan during the time of Japanese rule, these did not signify an anti-Japanese attitude among the people of Taiwan. The industrial and economic development caused by the Japanese administration led to the improvement of the living standards of the Taiwanese (Jacobs 47). There were a lot of pro-Japanese emotions on the part of many Taiwanese people of that time. Some people were skeptical of the Japanese rule since they appeared to push for their interests more than that of Taiwan. As the Japanese improved Taiwanese exports and commerce, the Taiwan economy boomed to an unprecedented height (Fell 16). The Japanese built roads, harbors, rail, power plants, factories, and a sewage system for the people of Taiwan. There was an introduction of capitalism where the Japanese enterprises competed in the production of sugar and rice with small-scale farmers. The Japanese government played a critical role in improving the economy

Friday, February 7, 2020

BHS 400 - Module 1 SLP (Stress Management) Essay

BHS 400 - Module 1 SLP (Stress Management) - Essay Example So effective management of stress, can make a person successful in all aspects of his life. Identification of stress is the most important thing one must learn. â€Å"Most people are exposed to much higher levels of stress than they realize. Brain cells, "talk to each other" by means of chemical messengers. When a person is exposed to too much stress, chemical communication in the brain begins to fail. When these messengers fail, a person suffers from sleep disturbance, aches and pains, depression and anxiety. This condition is called -- OVERSTRESS. Three brain messengers control your sleeping, your energy levels, and your feelings of pain and pleasure.†(Steve Burns MD). Stress is often related to some kind of worries. Identifying the root cause of such worries and rectifying it will result in reduction of stress. The effects of stress depend upon: the Individuals Appraisal of the event, person or situation. To some people, a job interview is a life or death crisis; to others it is an enjoyable challenge. So the reason for stress remains in your perception of incidents in your daily life. Some people like to take challenges in order to excel in their jobs and for getting promotion. Some others will be satisfied with what they are now and they won’t be ready to take challenges. Unnecessary Worries often lead to stress. For example, religious people are always worried about the sins they committed. They are afraid of the final judgment of God and will be lead a stressful life until their death. They must remember that even the Bible says â€Å"all the human beings are sinners and those who have regretted in their sins will be forgiven†. They will avoid the fact that even one of the thieves crucified along with Jesus Christ, has got salvation. We must remember that each and every problem in the universe has at least one solution. In some cases there will be more than